Soldner: Gratitude for Thrift Store grant

This is a heartfelt thank you for the grant The Ladies of the Aspen Thrift Shop gave the Soldner Center for the Arts and Innovation. We asked for the grant to help us join a wonderful project called

Begun by Michael Bloomberg, their mission is helping arts and culture organizations enrich their communities by using technology to open doors and make art and culture accessible to all – in-person, at-home, anywhere.

I am thrilled to tell you that after four months working with both our and their staff, the Soldner Center Guide was officially launched on on Feb. 26! We now join over 750 museums and cultural centers in over 200 countries. We join our wonderful local museums too, such as the Aspen Art Museum, The Resnick Center for Herbert Bayer Studies, and the Powers Art Museum.

You make it possible for our organization to continue our vision and mission to Foster Curiosity, Creativity and Community. Your belief in us is invaluable. Please join us this summer by visiting and book a tour or join one of our events June -August.

Thank you again for this truly important grant.

Stephanie Soldner
