Richards: Don’t wash, rinse, and repeat
No one wants to be the bearer of bad news, but the truth must be told.
Reviewing the million-dollar Jacobs Engineering “Traffic Modeling” report to test effectiveness of the 3-lane shifted bridge for mass transit shows an expanding Colorado Highway 82 into the golf course for a bus slip lane; even though that concept maintains only one lane into town.
Their analysis of the split-shot shows making Cemetery Lane a right-in only, right-out only intersection to not impede exiting traffic.
During the two-year, $2 million-dollar National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Environmental Impact Study (EIS) Aspen City Council is proposing, it is highly likely that both of those measures will be added to any alternative that doesn’t use portions of the Marolt Open Space to make Highway 82 function at any level for projected traffic, visitors, and commuting workforce in 2050. A Mister Potato Head approach to making the unworkable work.
An EIS must evaluate all alternatives suggested during scoping, including the fully-mitigated, federally-approved modified-direct connection — nicknamed the “straight-shot” by the various friends’ special interest dark money groups.
This kicking the can down the road yet again by council’s majority, combined with the friends’ charter-changing efforts to create a 40%+1 controlling voter “super minority” portends years of inaction on the entrance to Aspen, with traffic delays and detours keeping the old bridge useable.
Don’t shoot this messenger for identifying the wash, rinse, repeat cycle Aspen residents, businesses, workers and folks on the wrong-side of the Castle Creek gorge are facing after council’s majority chose not to put the modified direct on the November ballot, even asking in March of 2025 seems unlikely — which is why I’m simply trying to give voters a chance to move forward by petition.
Rachael Richards
Aspen local charged with poaching bull moose in Upper Fryingpan Valley
He said exhaustion and the desire to return home with meat clouded his judgment.