Means: No bike park at Marolt Open Space

I write today in opposition to the bike park proposed for the Marolt Open Space for numerous reasons.

I find the proposed use inconsistent with the current uses, the community’s perception of the property, the signs which announce it as “Marolt Open Space” and the very concept of Open Space which is limited to passive activities which do not conflict with one another. This proposal introduces a much higher level of activity, noise, dust, conflict, traffic, and destruction of a relatively undisturbed site. The much loved Marolt property serves as a greenbelt which is an important planning concept serving to contain and define active uses and development and prevent “urban sprawl.” This proposal dilutes that very important function.

It is not an easy or safe bike access for the younger folks it is aimed at and parents will drop off kids only to return later to pick them up creating four vehicle trips for many users. It will increase traffic and turning on an already very busy and increasingly dangerous lower Castle Creek Road. The required parking and traffic will very much change the atmosphere off the whole Marolt property degrading its open space qualities. Bike activity will inevitably spill over onto the whole area. Dogs and bikes do not mix well. There will be pressure for bathrooms and other incremental uses.

The high activity nature of this proposal will set a precedent of proposing other new uses. The negative impacts to the sanctity of this important open space are many and far outweigh the relatively small user group that it will accommodate. I feel this proposal will antagonize many more folks that it will accommodate.

This proposal is simply inconsistent with the property itself and the concept of Open Space. I urge you to deny it.

Graeme Means
