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Letter to the Editor

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300 word limit

Submissions must include:
Author’s name, hometown(s), affiliation (if any), physical address and phone number (for verification of residency and authorship only)

Policy: The Aspen Times accepts letters to the editor that are 300 words or less. Letters must include the author’s name, hometown, affiliation (if any), and phone number (for verification of authorship only). Form letters and letters considered libelous, obscene, or in bad taste will not be printed. Claims made in letters have to be supported by facts and must cite sources as needed. Anonymous letters will not be printed. Letters containing long lists of names will not be printed. There is also an emphasis on keeping the focus in the letters section on local issues. Authors may only send one letter per week. The decision to print any submission is completely at the discretion of the Aspen Times editor. The Aspen Times reserves the right to edit all letters.