Larsen: ‘Yes’ on Ref 1, ‘no’ on Ref 2

Regarding the so-called Entrance to Aspen:

The opinions from Tom Cardamone and Amory Lovins — longtime, credentialed environmentalists — regarding the destructive environmental effects of Rachel Richards’ plan for her Referendum 2 highway into Aspen are the most instructive I’ve read in a long list of excellent commentary.

We are longtime property owners on Maroon Creek Road (1940s) and don’t vote in Aspen but care about responsible transportation planning, as everyone should. A highway through Marolt Open Space, as is Richards’ asserted vision, won’t improve traffic, won’t get the bridge fixed in a timely fashion, won’t help with wildfire evacuation, and will destroy significant wildlife habitat area.

Most particularly, her plan will despoil the sacred Marolt Open Space along with the covenant of open spaces. In fact, through Referendum 2, via a shameful removal of community agency over publicly-owned lands in favor of CDOT, she hopes to remove what amounts to a sacred covenant. Who does that?

Vote “yes” on Referendum 1 because you think open space matters (a lot), and “no” on Referendum 2 because CDOT (a state agency) should not decide Aspen’s future.

I’ve supported Rachel in the past, but she is a career political who now lacks any demonstrable environmental ethic.

Marcella Larsen
