Jacober: Doyle has ‘an eye to the long view’

I have worked with John Doyle for the past 4 1/2 years. Together, we have navigated discussions and decisions about Pandora, the Entrance to Aspen, proposed bridges across the Roaring Fork, airport modernization, and other topics. We have served on RFTA and APCHA boards together, seeking solutions to valley problems.

While John and I have not agreed on everything, he has always demonstrated a commitment to pursuing what is best for Aspen, the Roaring Fork Valley, the environment, and the workers who make Aspen happen. He has a deep history in the town of Aspen and he supports that history with a deep sense of integrity and civility. Discussing issues with him is a lesson on how to communicate effectively without impugning others nor expressing impatience. He has an eye to the long view and will work to that end.

Francie Jacober
