Hyman: Alternative traffic ideas

Some important facts must remain at the forefront of the Entrance debate. The Castle Creek bridge requires immediate attention. The Preferred Alternative (aka Straight Shot) will not improve travel times into or out of Aspen by a meaningful amount (less than 2 minutes!). 

Many roll their eyes if you suggest a reappraisal of old studies, but the reality is that our Entrance problems could be improved by redesigning the roundabout to allow direct traffic to flow unimpeded and repairing or replacing the Castle Bridge to allow three lanes that could be shifted for incoming and outgoing traffic flows. 

The Rio Grande trail could be improved to allow use in the event of an emergency evacuation, siphoning off all traffic east of Mill St. to provide a second and far better alternative than forcing all traffic onto Highway 82. (Can you imagine!?)

More ideas about traffic lights and pinch-points need examination, but pretending that the only solution to our traffic problems requires sacrificing Marolt (and spending 15 years in the process) is simply irresponsible. 

David Hyman
