Greenway: Kolbe brings new approach to the table

Regarding the Westley Crouch “Candidates Talk Traffic” article (March 15), I actually did a double take when reading it, as I thought he had misprinted who he was writing about. It is often said that imitation is the highest form of flattery. Well then, Emily Kolbe should be very flattered by the discussion of the four candidate’s strategies for addressing Aspen’s traffic challenges.
Each item Christine presented were those already presented and outlined by Emily Kolbe. Emily has repeatedly identified measures that can and should be taken right away, making incremental improvements that will actually move the needle on traffic congestion and to improve mobility throughout the valley. I actually thought Westley made a mistake in who was speaking.
It is wonderful to see that other candidates are supporting these ideas. Emily really does bring to the table a new approach, realistic, and timely ideas that are moving the conversation, the other candidates, and hopefully, our community in meaningful ways. The power of the democratic process at work right before our eyes.
Vote for Emily for Aspen City Council!
Hawk Greenway