Blankenship: Time penalty for Aspen commuters takes its toll

Dan Blankenship
Dan Blankenship, former CEO of the Roaring Fork Transportation Authority.
Courtesy photo

The deteriorating condition of the Castle Creek Bridge demands that decisions regarding its future must no longer be postponed. Supporters of Referendum 1 are attempting to stack the deck in order to preserve the status quo. Supporters of Referendum 2 believe the time is right for the community to pursue a better vision for the Entrance to Aspen.

Without question, open space contributes greatly to the quality of life we all enjoy in this region. Yet, does anyone believe that open space should be considered sacrosanct, valued above all else? Honestly, if you were to rank the facets that have the greatest influence on your quality of life, wouldn’t there be several things higher on your list than preserving 2.9 net acres of the Marolt-Thomas open space?

Consider time.

The availability of time has a profound effect on many things we hold dear. There are only so many minutes allotted to us every day with which to meet our commitments or pursue our passions — and precious few to waste.

During my 35 years as head of the Roaring Fork Transportation Authority (RFTA), we seized opportunities to shave a few minutes or even seconds off of transit travel times by creating bus lanes and using shoulders to bypass congestion. Making public transit as reliable and efficient as can be is the key to getting people out of their cars. Fewer cars on the road means less traffic for everyone.

When supporters of Referendum 1 claim that “the straight shot doesn’t fix traffic,” that doesn’t square with my experience. Any reduction in travel times contributes to the reliability and convenience of the entire transit system, and these are major reasons people choose to ride the bus. RFTA has demonstrated that encouraging more people to use transit helps to reduce traffic.

To some, the eight minutes that Jacobs Engineering estimates a second bridge will decrease transit travel time during outbound peak hours may seem negligible. However, it is actually huge.

There are numerous variables involved in providing a reliable transit service throughout the region. When buses are delayed somewhere along the route, it impacts people who are waiting up or down the line. People need to know the bus is going to be at their stop generally within a few minutes of what the schedule says.

No one wants to stand out in the cold longer than necessary, any more than they want to add 400-500 miles/week on their cars getting to and from work. Eight minutes saved leaving Aspen will help to minimize inevitable downstream delays. It will help keep buses on or near schedule and reduce the uncertainty that is a barrier to leaving the car at home and taking the bus. When people have places to be, an extra eight-minute cushion can make the critical difference between being on time and doing the things you want and need to do — or being late.

Last year, approximately 2.2 million passengers crossed the Castle Creek Bridge on RFTA buses. The number of vehicles removed from traffic was undoubtedly substantial. As the region and associated traffic grow, RFTA doesn’t have the luxury of resting on its laurels. Building an effective transportation system — and alleviating traffic congestion — requires continuous improvement. There are no silver bullets or “one-and-done” solutions. It takes a lot of people believing in the vision of a better future and taking incremental steps, whenever possible, that prioritize transit to make the situation better for everyone — today and tomorrow.

Consider me a voice for the forgotten commuters. The workforce is vital. With the cost of living continuing to skyrocket, the majority of its workers cannot afford to live in Aspen. The folks who make and serve your food, stock the grocery shelves, operate the chair lifts, and staff your businesses are helping to make Aspen the special place it is.

The time penalty people pay when commuting to and from Aspen eventually takes a toll. As things stand now, businesses are finding it challenging to recruit and retain employees. When businesses need an adequate number of skilled and motivated workers, it should be imperative to make it easier for them to travel to and from work.

By creating priority for public transit, RFTA can do a better job of conveniently and reliably transporting existing passengers while attracting new riders. Building a second bridge will improve transit travel times and help make services more reliable throughout the region.

The clock is ticking for the Castle Creek Bridge. Please vote “yes” on Referendum 2 and “no” on Referendum 1.

Before his retirement last year, Dan Blankenship served for 35 years as the head of RFTA. His views are his own, and he is not speaking on behalf of RFTA.