Back in time: Aspen

This image shows the town of Ashcroft, circa 1885.
Aspen Historical Society Collection/Courtesy photo

“In your last week’s issue we were surprised not to see a word about Ashcroft, so we thought best to let you know Ashcroft is still alive, and has the appearance of industry on every side,” asserted the Aspen Times Weekly on Feb. 18, 1882. “The sounds of saw and hammer can be heard continually throughout the camp. Many business blocks are in the course of erection, and strangers are coming in daily. Mr. Boulton, the proprietor of the Riverside Hotel, was made happy by the arrival of his brother and family from the East earlier this week. Mr. McCaughey has returned from Leadville. He brings with him the news that Leadville will soon be well represented here. Another big strike was made here last week by Messrs. Sowle and O’Connell (said) that bids fair to surpass anything in camp. This is the second strike these lucky parties have made this winter. Ashcroft will have 7,000 people by the first of August. Capitalists, now is your time to make money in Ashcroft property, which will increase in its present price three times in the next four months.”

“Back in Time” is contributed by Aspen Historical Society and features excerpted articles and images from past Snowmass Sun/Aspen Times issues. We can’t rewrite history, but we can learn from it! Visit to view the vast Aspen Times photographic collection in the AHS Archives.

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